Next Gen Wireless Alarms and IoT Controllers

  • Simple and easy-to-use
  • Free online video tutorials available anytime
  • Program in minutes
  • Free fully customizable mobile app.
  • Built-in connection to FineTrack online monitoring and control 
  • Real-time WhatsApp notifications
  • 4G LTE / WiFi (dev)
Home cover page venus wireless alarm

Robust and Reliable

Tried and tested for over 25 years, we ensure our products work like no other. We are constantly looking for updates to improve our products.

Simple and Easy to Use

Our products are incredibly easy to learn and use. We provide loads of online support such as instruction manuals, video tutorials, code sheets and more.

Made in South Africa

We support local business and provide clients the best customer service and quailty assurance, right here on home ground.

The best free IoT mobile App!

  • Free on Android and IOS
  • Fully customizable and versatile 
  • Monitor and control multiple devices from a single app
  • Free online-step-by step video tutorials
  • Simple and easy-to-use
IoT App mockup hand position 2

Real-Time WhatsApp Notifications!

  • Stay connected with WhatsApp
  • Multiple devices in a single chat
  • Setup takes literally seconds
  • Simple and easy-to-use
  • API key for safe and secure communication
WhatsApp messages mockup iphone

FineTrack Online Monitoring and Control

  • Online remote monitoring and control 
  • Multiple devices and types in a single place
  • Send commands and control units
  • Quick and easy-to-setup
  • Light-weight backend for limited network signal

Solution for all sectors industries

Security System

Battery Monitoring

Gate Access Control

Pump Control

Temperature Control

Water Level Control

How our products work

Our products use either prepaid or contract SIM cards to send and receive messages and calls.

These messages are then used to control features on the unit, such as turning on/off or pulsing the output relays, reading inputs and sending values back, sending itself commands and sending other units commands. Therefore these systems can be used to create closed-loop feedback systems such as turning on/off a water pump with one unit while another is used to sense the water level.

Online Support, Manuals, Videos and help

Our products are incredibly simple to learn and use. To ensure ease of use we have provided you with instructions manuals, a support line, video tutorials and code sheets.

Gauteng and Head Office

Contact Michael and Peter at head office for any inquiries or support
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